@ Changsha @ London
Encyclopedia of the UniverseInfographics
The Cosmic Egg
Poster Design

The Cosmic Review Comprehensive
Absolute Purity Poster Design
UNIQLO CNY 2025Brand Identity
Deqing KindergartenBrand Identity
Peace on the EdgePoster Design
Disordered SubjectComprehensive 
TAFA SIAE 2024Poster Design
Post-Carbon ForumBrand Identity
RIFFFFF PunchPackaging
Black VoidDigital Media
PRO &Brand Identity
Heishipu Cover 2.0Editorial Design
HeishipuEditorial Design
The MonumentComprehensive 
TAFA SIAE 2023Poster Design
TAFA Media WorkshopPoster Design
Erosion3D Design
Confined SpaceComprehensive 
All About CoconutIllustration

Small Graphics

Typeface Design

Confined Space2022
AD: Zhiwen Shao
D: Zhiwen Shao
Confined Space includes 4 installations and graphics. Utilizing the visual interpreting structure, this project explores the limitations with which we have to work and the space we sometimes force ourselves to fit.
I wanted to address 4 state of our minds when the order of confined spaces is disrupted or reconstructed.  Thus, I captured  4 scenes when people worked during the pandemic.

Chaos, Paradox, Vinaya, New Formation

© All rights Reserved by Zhiwen Shao

Starting  from 2024

Based in London and China